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This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

22 August 2007

Ny musik kommer

Mono Taxi’s latest song, the gorgeous and gorgeous and gorgeous The Sound of You, came out on 7” Monday. My copy’s in the mail. Where’s yours?

Other upcoming releases worth getting excited about:

The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Dreaming, Club 8’s new album -- their first in four years -- is set for release 26. September. God I love Club 8. Even if I knew nothing about them, I would buy the album just for that title. If you’ve somehow managed to never hear the band -- here, have Whatever You Want, the album’s first single.

Sambassadeur’s as-yet-untitled new album is… well, it’s coming out. Their label says October; the band’s myspace/website says early November. Either way. If you haven’t heard Sambassadeur, try Subtle Changes, their first single (from this album). It's absolutely fantastic.

And a revelation: superbly enough -- both Club 8 and Sambassadeur are on Labrador, which means you can stream all the tracks from all their albums on (Club 8 here; Sambassadeur here.) You can listen to five Mono Taxi songs, as well as see two videos, on their myspace. If for some reason you don’t want to do any of that -- well, while all three bands have distinct sounds, and with a bit of practice you can certainly tell them apart, they also all have certain wonderful similarities, like boy-girl vocal harmonies and soothing tones which are just the right mixture of light and heavy -- enough to keep you from drowning, but not so much that you’ll float completely away. Not that either of those are entirely awful things. Well, maybe drowning is -- but anyway, bad description. Yes, it’s an inapt description; I’ll admit it. There are some sensations words can’t describe.

If you’ve heard any one of the three bands, though, and like them -- you’ll probably enjoy the others as well. Mono Taxi is a bit janglier, louder -- unlike the other two, they use electric guitars. Sambassadeur is somewhat more nature-sounding, although certainly not in a nature sounds CD kind of way, and (usually) quieter -- their Labrador page notes that “they where too shy to even look at each other when first playing their songs.” Nice. And Club 8 is just… I don’t know. Perfect and twee. Oh, wait, that’s redundant.

Whatever You Want (Club 8)
Subtle Changes (Sambassadeur)

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