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Jeg vil skrive bloggen på både engelsk og dansk. Hvis du kan ikke forstå ordene, fortæl mig, og jeg vil forsøge at oversætte. Hvis du er dansk, vil jeg gerne fortælle dig, jeg endnu er ved at lære sproget, og mit dansk er ikke særlig godt. Hvis du gerne vil hjælpe mig med ordene, det er rart og tak for det. Min email er

This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

03 September 2007

Jeg lyvede

So it’s been something like a week and a half since I’ve even touched this thing. I have a number of explanations, most of which amount to this: I’m exhausted an uninterested in everything. However, as I haven’t abandoned my other daily activities (e.g. work), this apathy is certainly no excuse for discontinuing the one I enjoy the most. Thus, you have my apologies -- and, as penance for my negligence, I have decided to post the TTA blog I wrote in May (with no intention of ever posting). Then I will talk about them some more, too, to make this thing current.

I make it my business to always know what other people are listening to. Last week, everyone was playing a lot of TTA, or, as you may prefer, the Tough Alliance. Which reminds me of something I meant to say earlier -- which is that they have what is indisputably the coolest myspace page ever. Be sure to check it out. You can listen to two songs -- from the new album, A New Chance, out 16. May -- too. [Note in September: unfortunately this particular myspace page no longer exists.]

Aside from those two, I’ve only heard one other song by the Tough Alliance, although, due to the fact that they (I think) run the label of Air France (the very interesting and cool Sincerely Yours), I’ve known of them, and been reading about them, for a while. Avi writes about them from time to time, too. If you type ‘tough alliance’ into the search box on It’s A Trap!, you can come up with some interesting stuff. Also, Pitchfork has two videos and a nice little bio-thing you can read, as well as one song download, Silly Crimes. It’s old though (from the New Waves EP). But that’s okay.

There are a couple other mp3s hiding out all around the web, but it’s cloudy again, and I’m exhausted, and generally, look -- I just don’t feel like seeking them out right now. Undskyld. But Avi’s got the links; you know what to do.

It’ll probably be sunny again in a couple days, and I’ll talk about Air France then, so keep checking back.

I find it interesting that that post contains an explanation of my lethargy, even though, due to the fact that seasons change, it’s not entirely valid. Also not valid is the whole ‘expect an Air France post’ thing -- although I do have one, written, actually, five days before the TTA entry. I still don’t feel like talking about Air France (for the same reason as before, actually (and it’s the reason I didn’t write down; not the weather)). So it’ll probably be a while.

Anyway, The Tough Alliance. My relationship to them has remained largely unchanged -- except for this one song. And it’s not even, technically, their song -- it’s a remix, of the song Too Young, by Taken by Trees, also known as Victoria Bergsman. This is the song I hum to myself during the slow spots at work (that is, when I’m not whistling Lord Anthony). Eventually, someone will hear me and begin freaking out: ‘Taken by Trees! TTA! Oh my god, Too Young! Taken too young! Me too!’ And then I will have a friend.

Oh, Victoria Bergsman, what would I do without you? You left the Concretes, but you and they both stayed good. Proof: head on over to myspace and listen to Kids. While you’re there, visit Peter Björn and John; check out Young Folks. (Such a lovely obsession with youth.) And when you’re done with that, download Too Young (as a remix, you actually can’t buy it) and take it with you wherever you go.

Silly Crimes (TTA)
Too Young - TTA remix (Taken By Trees)

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