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This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

13 December 2008

Bedste ti musik-beslægtede tinge fra 2008

10 Best Music-Related Things of 2008 -- I think that's pretty self-explanatory. No actual songs or albums included here.

10. Attending the Roskilde Festival. I guess it would be pretty lame of me to not put that on here.

9. Discovering some really wonderful stuff on albums/by bands I thought I hated. I’m thinking of two songs in particular: Heartbeats (video) (thanks Rasmus), from the 2006 album Deep Cuts, by the Knife (who I otherwise can’t stand), and The Twist, from Metric’s (still pretty blah) album Grow Up and Blow Away, originally recorded as their unreleased debut in 2001, and officially released for the first time early last year.

8. Becoming friends with Arya Imig. (I needed another one, and if that’s not music-related, I don’t know what is.)

7. Turning 21. (This would be higher on the list if I had actually utilized this even once.)

6. Seeing VEGA. All wood, all original (from, I believe, the 1950s), acoustics that I could tell -- even without a band in it -- would be beautiful. Possibly the most perfect venue in the world.

5. Rock camp kids. I worked briefly with two different groups this summer, doing sound, and as jealous as I am of these thirteen-year-old guitar virtuosos and shy seventeen-year-old singer-songwriters, I’m even more pleased by their talent. No matter how terrible they might sound (usually not so much so), any band whose members are visibly underage gets a plus in my book and a smile on my face.

4. Starting to like garage rock again. To explain this, I should explain my listening history, which is a bit weird. I’ll try to be brief: the first band I remember listening to, when I was VERY young, was the Beatles. The sixties and seventies have always been present. When I was a little older, I listened to mid-nineties sugary alternative pop, which gradually turned into alternative rock of the embarrassing sort by middle school. Midway through high school I convinced myself to like punk rock (PS Josh I never liked the Casualties) and this persisted through my first year of college. In my second year, I began studying Danish and listening to Danish streaming radio, which begat my current love of indie pop and twee.
With each new period, I suppressed the ones before it. Of course, there was always some overlap, both forward and backward -- I’ve liked Sigur Rós since I was about sixteen; I still occasionally listen to the Distillers -- but largely, previous tastes were eradicated. The sounds of the sixties, while still floating, annoyingly, around the peripherals, took the hardest hit. But in the past year or so I’ve been realizing more and more that many of the bands I like most are heavily influenced by music from that era, and I’ve been able to appreciate again the simultaneously jangling and fuzzy sound. Still, it’s only in the past few months that I’ve begun to really enjoy garage rock and psychadelia -- both new and old -- without feelings of derision and guilt, and I’m so glad for it.

3. These emails... Yeah, right. Like I am really going to let strangers read my mail.

2. Being in a position to take these photographs. It’s not actually the pictures that I care so much about -- it’s where I was standing. And what I was hearing.

1. Doing sound for bands whose singers run their vocal mics through guitar pedals. As far as I can recall, this has happened twice -- first with Andy Combs and the Moth (Let’s Ride – mp3) and more recently with Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk (full set – mp3) -- and it sounds awesome. Both the bands and the way the vocals turned out are really different, but wow -- people should do this more often. It’s only rarely that I make my own copy of a live recording, but I did that in both these cases, and I’ve listened to them over and over and over.

Best (favorite) songs and albums will be here soon.

Let's Ride (Andy Combs and the Moth)
Live on KPSU (Baby Birds Don't Drink Milk)

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