om sproget / on language

Jeg vil skrive bloggen på både engelsk og dansk. Hvis du kan ikke forstå ordene, fortæl mig, og jeg vil forsøge at oversætte. Hvis du er dansk, vil jeg gerne fortælle dig, jeg endnu er ved at lære sproget, og mit dansk er ikke særlig godt. Hvis du gerne vil hjælpe mig med ordene, det er rart og tak for det. Min email er

This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

16 June 2007

Og mine eksamener er sluttet – igen for mine engelsk venner

Hvis du læst postet for en dag siden, dette er alle samme, men i engelsk. Der er ikke nogle ny.

It was my birthday last week -- 6. June. (If you missed it, don’t feel bad -- I’d just as soon have missed it as well -- but if you really feel bad, I guess I’ll still accept belated gifts. Mp3s are good.) Technically, I’ve turned twenty, but I don’t like the number twenty as an age, so I’ve decided I’ll be nineteen for another year. (I’d rather be twenty-one, but that doesn’t really work in the lovely prohibition-obssessed US.) But really, whatever I say, I’m not a teenager anymore. And I’m a bit sad about that.

But -- what I have today -- news about people who are still teenagers. First, Dúné. They are from Skive, in Jutland, and are all -- there are seven of them -- eighteen or nineteen years old. I thought they were older when I first heard them, because they sound much more organized and together than most bands made up of kids. But they’ve been playing together for six years -- maybe that’s why. They’re a bit louder than most of the music I listen to, and I can’t think of any bands to compare them to -- they’re unique, I guess -- but they are good. And by good, I probably mean really kinda great.

Dúné has a new album, called We Are In There You Are Out Here, and it is quite good. I especially like A Blast Beat, and Bloodlines, the most popular, is also nice. But I think my favorite song is Robot Beat, from their 2005 EP. But all of their songs are good. You can’t download any of them -- but you can stream all of the songs on their website, on the media page. It says the songs are only 30-second samples, but they’re the whole things, and that’s supercool.

Also -- remember when I was talking about remixes? Dúné will let you remix not just one, but three of their songs -- A Blast Beat, Dry Lips, and/or John Wayne vs. Mary Chain. You can download them here. (It's all in Danish, but the links are easy enough to find at the bottom.) And that’s a contest as well -- it ends 24. August. (If you want the Danish rules explained to you, email me, because I actually managed to read them all.)

Okay. Next band -- Electrojuice. They’re also from Denmark, also from Jutland -- from Århus. And they are even younger than Dúné -- they’re two boys, and they’re thirteen and fourteen years old. I also couldn’t believe that, but it’s the truth. They make electronic music and do remixes, and, I think, even if they were twice their ages, they would be excellent. But they are not twice their ages, and their youth, I think, just makes them even better.

I don’t think there are many people listening to them, although I can’t understand why. You should download their song Cut Your Fingers Off, and it will have you dancing…

Also -- this seems like an appropriate place to write about this other band, The Teenagers. I think they’re all in their twenties, but, you know, the name… They’re from France, but now live in England. They half-sing, half-speak indie-pop songs (I guess that’s what I’d say) with a lot of rather inappropriate language. If you’re easily offended by the gratuitous (and it’s certainly gratuitous -- they say, being French, that they didn’t know those words were so offensive in English, though I don’t quite buy it) use of four-letter words, you probably won’t like them. But if you’re okay with that -- well, I think The Teenagers are really excellent -- and, yes, their lyrics too.

You can stream four of their songs on their (extremely colorful) myspace, and five of their remixes on their other myspace. I love their remix of Au Revoir Simone’s Fallen Snow, but it’s not on there anymore. You can probably find it somewhere online if you care to look a bit, though. You can also, with much less work, watch their video for Homecoming, and it is very cute, but also kind of… not so cute -- you know? But I have to love it.

Cut Your Fingers Off (Electrojuice) - two clicks; sorry; myspace is stupid

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