om sproget / on language

Jeg vil skrive bloggen på både engelsk og dansk. Hvis du kan ikke forstå ordene, fortæl mig, og jeg vil forsøge at oversætte. Hvis du er dansk, vil jeg gerne fortælle dig, jeg endnu er ved at lære sproget, og mit dansk er ikke særlig godt. Hvis du gerne vil hjælpe mig med ordene, det er rart og tak for det. Min email er

This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

01 June 2007

At lytte, men at se ikke

Taking a brief break from my studying (not really. I never study) to complain about not being old enough to go to shows (that I probably wouldn’t go to anyway because I’m too busy (not) studying)...

And other things, too -- like epo-555. Their album Mafia was released in the US last Tuesday, 22. May -- and now they are coming here! Quite exciting, except -- oh, wait. Three shows in New York and one in Massachusetts. Not exactly driving distance for me, you know. (But if you’re over there -- aren’t you lucky.) In other news, they’re in the process of making a pretty new website. You can still get to the old one, though, if you know where to go, and I know where to go -- it’s here.

Now, what makes me even sadder than epo-555 playing not just one but three shows in New York and none on the west coast -- tonight, Au Revoir Simone, currently my favorite American band, is playing about two miles away from where I live. I can’t go. Enough said -- except, oh, okay, this too -- Monday night, same place, the Raveonettes. They were the first Danish band I ever liked (unless we count Aqua, and, uh, let’s not count Aqua). Can’t go to that, either. If you want a full list of shows I’d like to but can’t attend because they’re in bars, email me; I love sharing it. And I update regularly. It makes me feel even happier about life.

Anyway, lest we become too depressed… actually, no, this won’t do it at all. But you can download Dead Sound, a new and as-yet-unreleased Raveonettes track that was just (two days ago) made available. You can listen to an alternate version of it on myspace. While you’re there, check out the blog; Sune is ultra-super-regular about updating it. He’s way better than I am.

Speaking of blogs, last night I realized that if you’ve been viewing this one on a Mac (or, possibly, any other non-Dell kind of machine) the position of the text under the picture may have been a bit messed up. I apologize for this ugliness -- and I feel a bit inadequate, as it was like that for a couple of weeks. However, it has been fixed now, and hopefully no other cosmetic issues will arise.

Dead Sound (the Raveonettes)

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