om sproget / on language

Jeg vil skrive bloggen på både engelsk og dansk. Hvis du kan ikke forstå ordene, fortæl mig, og jeg vil forsøge at oversætte. Hvis du er dansk, vil jeg gerne fortælle dig, jeg endnu er ved at lære sproget, og mit dansk er ikke særlig godt. Hvis du gerne vil hjælpe mig med ordene, det er rart og tak for det. Min email er

This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

20 May 2007

Dette og det og nogle for min ego

Normally I wouldn’t do this, but it’s been raining all weekend; thus, I’m rather depressed and in need of something to pick me up.

But anyway -- wow, look at this. Today Stytzer (Hits in the Car) posted a link to where you can download the entirety of Tiger Baby’s second album, Noise Around Me. And look what else – after nearly a month of inactivity, Alison over at Peppers, Pastries and Canals also posted a link to the Noise Around Me downloads. Pretty cool that people are finally getting on the ball with listening to and talking about Tiger Baby. (However, I did notice that neither of them really said much of anything about the music -- does that mean they didn’t actually listen to it?) Pretty cool that such a great band is finally getting exposure on blogs which are more oft-read than mine. And, also, it’s pretty cool that you can download Tiger Baby’s entire second album for free.

Except, oh, wait a minute. Unfortunately, if you’re a reader of this blog (which I assume you are, since that’s what you’re doing right now) those postings won’t do you any good -- because I posted the Noise Around Me link on here nearly three weeks ago. Yes, really. I feel kind of special, having beat both Stytzer and Alison to it, especially by such a great length of time. I mean, this is quite definitely one of Strauss’ seven turning points in identity -- surpassing a role model’s performance -- and god knows I’ve been needing one of those for a while. Yeah, maybe I did have a slight advantage, since Tiger Baby is my favorite band, but on the other hand, it’s not like they rang up to tell me about it; I found out on my own. And, if, for some reason, you are just now finding out, and still haven’t downloaded the album, at least go and listen to it now.

Now: other things. If you’re a regular reader, you may have noticed I’ve changed a few things visually. Nothing major -- however, I have added the first -- and only -- picture you will ever see on here. It’s the original Ashtrays drawing. (I've done quite a few, but this one is my favorite.) I drew it a very long time ago, being bored in class, and then forgot where it was. Obviously, I’ve now found it, and even though it’s not really very good, I thought it would be nice to share with you. And it has stars because, well, I’m very much into stars.

I’m also, as you may have noticed, into minimalism. Maybe having a bunch of band photos and youtube links would make things more interesting to look at, but for me, that kind of stuff is distracting and, unless placed very well, rather garish. I like the way black and white look together, so that’s how things are going to look. (Red is there only because it's on Dannebrog.) I'm sorry if you don't like the lack of color. Well, no -- I really hope you'll like it. But if you think it's truly horrible, let me know and I'll put it back.

Since I was having such fun with the HTML, I went ahead and also changed the links and sidebars a little bit -- they’re more organized now -- and widened the main column, which will hopefully make things more readable. But that’s about it.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about one of my new favorite words, which, happily, I like just as much in Danish as I do in English. Maybe I’ll talk about music then, too.

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