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This blog will be written in both English and Danish. If you, as a reader, have trouble with one of those languages and would like a translation, please let me know, and I will do my best to oblige. If you are a Danish reader, please know that I am just learning, and my Danish is far from perfect. If you would like to suggest corrections please do so. Email me at

26 May 2007

Glem ikke

The other day, I saw a blog somewhere that said Oliver North Boy Choir’s Adrenaline video takes place in a supermarket. It doesn’t, really -- but if that gets more people to listen to them, I guess I can’t complain.

Another video which kind of takes place in a supermarket but isn’t exclusively in there is Pulp’s Common People. It’s from 1995, so it features, of course, a twelve-years-younger Jarvis Cocker. Yes, he has aged well, but when someone’s old enough to be one of your parents, a twelve-years-younger version can be quite nice.

Speaking of Jarvis Cocker, I just found out that he plays one of the Weird Sisters in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This knowledge has made me want, for the first time ever, to actually watch those horrid films. (I’ve got nothing against the stories themselves -- it’s film adaptations I can’t stand. The only thing they got right was Richard Harris, and he’s dead. Well, alright, Maggie Smith was mostly perfect, and Robbie Coltrane was good too, but that’s it. Now let’s have a list of everything they got horribly wrong. It starts with Harry -- who is supposed to have messy hair and wear glasses -- and a close second is Hermione -- who is supposed to be rather unattractive, not so nice-looking pedophiles the world over are counting the days until she turns eighteen... I could go on and on, but this blog is about Scandinavian music, not Harry Potter, so enough of that.)

Anyway, what I really wanted to say was that Oliver North Boy Choir is releasing their next EP, Shell for the Mourning, tomorrow, 27. May. (Yes, a Sunday. I don’t know why, but I guess when you only release digitally, you can do that). You can hear one of the tracks, Yes Sir, I Can Boogie, on their myspace. As for the others -- I guess you’ll just have to buy the album. It's on iTunes and stuff.

Oh, and a special note to those of you who read 3hive and think you've got the system beat -- please know that the track posted last week there is not the original Shell for the Mourning -- it is Klaus & Kinski's remix. It's much louder and faster than regular ONBC stuff, but after a few repeats, it starts to sound really good.

As I haven't yet heard the original Shell for the Mourning, I can't quite honestly speak for its musical quality. However, know this -- all the bits of Camilla's vocals which have been retained in the remix are just as floaty and ethereal and awesome as ever. So... yeah.

Also, here's this other cool neat thing -- Ivan and Mikkel have both started writing blogs on the ONBC site. Ivan's is mostly about music, which makes sense, but Mikkel's is about restaurants. Kind of interesting.

Shell for the Mourning - Klaus & Kinski remix (Oliver North Boy Choir)

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